By deepblue - 24/01/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, we ordered pizza. A long wait and several phone calls later, we found out that someone met the delivery person at the end of our driveway, signed our receipt, and stole our pizza. Way to check the credit card pizza people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 975
You deserved it 3 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those idiots owe you a free pie for that incompetence.

yes, it does....every merchant should check signature against the credit card every time.


sweet I just got a free and easy way of getting pizzas .. LOL

hateevryone 14

Don't blame the pizza guy. If they asked for everyone Ids people bitch and they get less of a tip.

How cheap is someone to wait at someone's driveway just to steal a pizza? Anyway, I would have contacted the pizza place, and tell them that you never gotten the pizza. They in turn would have made contact with the driver, who would have verified who he/she gave the pizza to, which was unfortunately not you...

Thebuddhafist 2

Im a Pizza guy, we have NEVER checked the credit card. I dont have time for that shit, dont live around scum bag thieves and be too lazy and stupid to know when your food arrived. what a typical american response blame someone else for your ignorance.

Wow, someone's an underachiever...if you can't deliver a pizza properly and responsibly, and then would blame a customer for your lack of discretion and failure to do your job correctly...just wow. They were victims of theft and fraud...not their fault in the least. It's not like the pizza guy even made it to the door before the pizza was are they supposed to know it arrived?

Well if there names is on your recipt you can charge them

They owe you a free pizza ain't nobody gon steal my pizza like that ,they'd get sliced