By deepblue - 24/01/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, we ordered pizza. A long wait and several phone calls later, we found out that someone met the delivery person at the end of our driveway, signed our receipt, and stole our pizza. Way to check the credit card pizza people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 975
You deserved it 3 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those idiots owe you a free pie for that incompetence.

yes, it does....every merchant should check signature against the credit card every time.


mdkid 0

I would be so mad hopefully you made that idiot get you another pizza

TCoop1515 0

what the... even when paying with credit I never pay until I get it. I thought that was standard. if they let you pay ahead, then yes, they should be verifying the card. just done kid that hates their job and doesn't care. can you blame them?

jaysolonyc 0

wanna see some of the funniest pics on the web?? visit

lol u must live in my hood lol...shit happens

ohmek 0

Drive to the pizza place. Get free pizza. Problem solved.

thanks by the way, that pizza was bangin.

you say that but if every time you ordered a pizza the pizza guy checked ur credit card you would probably get mad that u had to prove that you were in fact you. Be glad you have a good story to tell people.

This is the most tragic FML on this site. You were cheated out of a pizza. My heartfelt condolences.