By deepblue - 24/01/2011 02:06 - United States

Today, we ordered pizza. A long wait and several phone calls later, we found out that someone met the delivery person at the end of our driveway, signed our receipt, and stole our pizza. Way to check the credit card pizza people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 975
You deserved it 3 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those idiots owe you a free pie for that incompetence.

yes, it does....every merchant should check signature against the credit card every time.


If someone did this to me, I'd be so pissed off. FYL, OP.

We're not required to check the card. I love how the pizza place/driver is getting blamed. What if someone had stolen your card, bought pizza, showed us the card and gotten the pizza? Would that be the driver's fault, too? Blame the jackass that stole your pizza, not the driver. Where I work, we wou

katiebelle 1

I agree. Everyone wants to blame the pizza place/delivery driver and not the person who actually committed the crime.

I disagree. In the case of your company where the driver isn't required to check, then it isn't the driver's fault but it's most certainly the company's fault for not having that policy (which I think is a very reasonable policy) in place. Someone having stolen your card and made an illegitimate purchase is a completely different issue because in that case, the owner of the credit card didn't make the purchase. Guaranteeing that something that the owner did buy legitimately gets to the owner is a very basic responsibility of the pizza place.

katiebelle 1

I think a better policy would be to not accept credit cards over the phone, at least it would be for smaller chains and individual stores. as for the larger chains, I do believe they should have some system in place to help prevent something like that from happening

-would have been happy to replace the order. The bigger issue I have with this post is how some random stranger knew you ordered pizza, where you live and knew when to stand at your driveway.

Lufferkinz 0

Damn right! You deserve a new free pizza plus another free pizza!

blinkingstarlet 15

literally i was like wow must have been in ny... yup. lol. that really sucks

blinkingstarlet 15

actually... most pizza places have a policy where the credit card used to pay must be present at time of delivery. to avoid people using credit cards that dont belong to them to order a bunch of food.

maybe u sould not be that guy that makes the pizza guy wait at the door 5 minutes you sould have been waiting on him not him waiting on you time is money

jeannicole 0

Just don't pay before the pizza gets there? I don't know, I live in the middle of nowhere, so I have to go get my pizzas. :/