By manksy - 01/01/2010 22:07 - United Kingdom

Today, when I was unpacking all of my stuff, my parents declared that they are going to live in Australia, and have found me a 'friend'. I am a 14 year old girl at boarding school, and my friend is my new foster mum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 026
You deserved it 2 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is awful. I hope you find some other adults that you can be close to and take an interest in you. Please remember that this about them and not you; it's their selfishness and neglect, not because you are not a worthwhile person. I am so sorry to hear this.

well, once they settle there, send them a big box of cookies, make them yourself, add whatever you wish to add.


Say NO !!!they can't argue with that , and then sware at them !

"God WILL take care of you." If that was true, nothing bad would ever happen. There's no point going through life thinking some higher being is going to sort your shit out for you; you have to be strong about it and sort it out yourself. I won't turn this into some kind of religion argument though, it's not my choice what you believe in.

Aww hunn I'm soo sorry. I had to go to a foster home when i was 12 and understand what it's like, and I am also 14. good luck.

HBubble 3

That's Harsh. But if they're the kind of people to do that you are better of without them.

wow that sucks. that's unbelievable bad parents. so sorry for you. dunno who would say YDI but those who did when the same shit happens to you just as bad or worse then YDI truely.

I live in the UK (in North Yorkshire, in fact,) and I'm a social worker (not practicing here, but in Canada.) This would not be illegal, but if this is indeed a situation where the girl is in care because her parents have rescinded their parental rights and obligations, she would be assigned foster care. That would be a long, intense procedure which would certainly have involved the 14-year-old poster before being assigned to care. Poster #127 has the right idea in that a "foster mum" could possibly be someone with whom she will spend her half-term breaks and any other time she is not able to board at school. So if this is the case, her parents are moving to Australia, they don't want to disrupt her schooling and have arranged for the girl to stay with someone she has only met this one time. It's uncommon but not impossible, and if this is the case, then FYL anyhow. I'm sorry your parents didn't discuss the move more thoroughly with you as you deserve. Just because you're not at home with your family all the time doesn't mean you're not a part of the family, and there are better ways they could have handled it.

Thanks 149, I was confused as to the legality of this but you made it make sense. Still FYL, OP.

Make sure and tell them to look forward to the cheapest, crappiest, most abusive retirement home you can find when the time comes. What goes around comes around.

ohhaisam123 0

I can't believe how many people believe this, but will argue and call bull shit on a perfectly logical fml. good job to the op for inventing this sob story.