By thedogkisser - 06/06/2009 19:44 - United States

Today, when petting my friend's dog, I acted like I was going to make out with him. While I wasn't looking the dog stuck his entire tongue in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 091
You deserved it 84 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can't lead a dog on like that and then get all offended when he gives you what you asked for

HAHA Fail. You asked for it, bud.


Trooth 13

Haha...Well at least you got some tongue

xo_emily_xo 0

EWEWEW! Why the **** would you pretend to make out with a DOG?! Are you psychotic?

you shoud try ******* his mom, that always helps get out the taste of dog crotch.. admit it , you looovvved it

Poxag 0

LOL ur as bad as the guy on here who humped his dog into submission

falloutgurl517 0

hahaha... i have no words for this. i seriously can't stop laughing.... why would u pretend like you were gonna make out with a dog? at least tell me that it was of the opposite sex!

The same thing happened with me, but it was with a cat. I wanted to kiss his little nose, but he moved and stuck his tongue in my mouth. lol

REMEMBER kids, dogs have cleaner toungues than people! :) OP: wtf were u tryin to pull?

as gross as it would be to have a dog tounge in your mouth this isn't much of an fml. its not a big deal.. it would have been different if say you found out after the dog licked himself in a certain spot. then that would be majorly gross XD