By thedogkisser - 06/06/2009 19:44 - United States

Today, when petting my friend's dog, I acted like I was going to make out with him. While I wasn't looking the dog stuck his entire tongue in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 091
You deserved it 84 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can't lead a dog on like that and then get all offended when he gives you what you asked for

HAHA Fail. You asked for it, bud.


first rule of being a dog: my tongue can (and does) go ANYWHERE.

NickelPhosphate 0

Why would you even pretend to make out with a dog in the first place?? **********. Lmao.

jal_8_jal 0

my friend actually purposely french kisses her dog everytime she sees him (like yes, lets her dog stick his tongue in her mouth and hers in his)

jncwmnd 0 cousins used to argue with me saying "dogs have the cleanest mouths look!" and they would put a scoop of ice cream on their tongue and let it lick it out..same with sharing suckers or popcicles X_X I dont give a **** if they really do or not...ive seen dogs eat their own shit lol FYL for acting like an idiot

beckyb 0

I could think of grosser things that have been in my mouth than a dog's tongue. Just saying.

ajscw 0

Gross man u don't know where thts been

Why would you give an innocent dog hepatitis on purpose you jerk?