By reject - 21/01/2011 23:02 - United Kingdom

Today, when taking a group picture with my closest friends, a passing parent congratulated us on getting into the same university for next year. She's wrong. They're all going to Cambridge, except for me. I was rejected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 076
You deserved it 5 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It's no disgrace to be rejected from Cambridge, that is, if you are talking about the world-class university. If you are talking about the Cambridge School of Dental Floss Recycling, then, yeah, FYL you are an idiot.

That sucks. But it's also an opportunity to make new friends. And if you really want to you can keep in touch with your current friends. It'll take some effort, but it's possible. As for Cambridge; I don't know why you got rejected, but if your grades weren't good enough then well.. it's not for everybody.


brighteyes81 0

I don't know why everyone is saying "poor OP...I'm sorry" bla bla bla. If you didn't get in it's because you didn't deserve it so obviously YDI and FTW! :)

I wish I got rejected from college... lucky!

Maybe there's a reason for being rejected. Either way, it still sucks... I'd have a hard time being the only one not able to join all my friends too. Just find a bright side to this. Until then, FYL.

well hertfordshire uni is good u kno......last resort kingston uni probs

It sucks that you don't get to go to the school that all of your friends are at. It could be a blessing in disguise. Also, if you were qualified to attend Cambridge but didn't get accepted by some bad luck, perhaps you could get the opportunity to transfer once you've proven yourself at another university.

sallen0046 4

So your life is ****** because someone who's never met you thought you were Cambridge material? How is this a life-******* situation? Few people get into their top college pick the first time around. Get your associates somewhere else, bring up your GPA, and develop more extra-curricular activities while you're doing it, and reapply. Not only is it a hell of a lot cheaper in the long run, but you'll get extra life experience while you're doing it.

make new friends but keep the old. one is silver, the others went to cambridge without you!

YDI for applying to a pretentious university, if your whole friend group got in i'm going to assume you're a bunch of yahs who go to private school anyway...... so YDI for that too... i applied to 5 different courses at five excellent universities including Glasgow and Edinburgh and i got 5 unconditional offers so could take my pick.... thats why my life is awesome :P

um, are you on something? would you like to tell me where you live so i can call the psych ward? just offering....

excellent... would you perhaps consider therapy?

how is Cambridge a pretentious university? just because your not smart enough to apply doesn't mean you should look down on it, stop being so bigoted.

i am more than smart enough to apply, i just happen to live in scotland, where i can get my tuition fees paid, and i could never in a million years afford to pay for uni without creating crippling debt for myself, plus only edinburgh offer my particular degree... as for considering it pretentious, thats to do with the number of posh english edinburgh uni students who look down on the rest of us because we actually got in to our first choice of university, and think its some sort of ACHIEVEMENT to be a cambridge reject, and in some cases wont even TALK to people who didn't apply to cambridge.... tell them to stop being so bigoted, then get back to me....

Oddly, Oxbridge reject societies seem to have a much higher regard for the importance of applying than the students who actually get in. If you get in then you don't need to prove that you were good enough really! I wouldn't be to quick to judge those who got into Cambridge on the actions of those who didn't!