By quarterback - 23/01/2011 05:43 - United States

Today, while at the vending machine, I put in my $20 instead of my $1. I got my change back in quarters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 104
You deserved it 44 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least you got change.. now go use a quarter to call someone who cares.. lol


Um. Live in a country where anything under 5 currency units is in coins that are distinct by colour, shape and weight, and all notes (5 currency units and above) and distinctive colours. Who the hell thought "all notes shall be green" was a good system?!

kjtx 0

Go give all the change to a homeless person, they would probably love it, and since all of those quarters are such a pain for you to lug around, it'd be a win-win!

Think of it like dis: least you has money, 2: think of it as u has alot of silver..

give it all to the hobo on the street. im sure he would be more grateful than you.

Skullcrusher 5

Hey Analisa13, where is your nose?

I have one the light just makes the pic look like I don't have one. Lmfao

so, how the heck did he find a machine that would accept a 20? most machines only accept 1s now

GTL! and which vending machine did you go to that accepts $20s