By sashimi9999 - 07/02/2014 01:32 - United States - Salinas

Today, while cleaning a carpet in my house, something in it sliced my foot. I couldn't find what it was, so I went to clean the wound. 10 minutes later, I sliced my foot again on the same thing. I still can't figure out what it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 250
You deserved it 5 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

746278Ab 14

That's terrible! Dig up all your carpets or get them cleaned professionally! Good luck! Or maybe wear shoes!

Maybe you shouldn't walk there without shoes then.


rastapasta 11

Carpet ninjas. You gotta watch out for them.

It could be a small nail. That's how they pinned down the carpet at my old house.

silentxninja 13

Hopefully you are able to clean the carpet well, and hopefully your foot has healed!

imkool136 22

I know it's a little over a year late, but carpet has a wooden piece on al the edges with a dozens of small nails in a foot of it. Maybe your carpet got so worn down that one of those is poking through and gashed your foot.

Maybe they were mini-ninjas that decided to attack.

It could be a nail sticking through the floor, it happened to me but then again it was really old carpet