By Anonymous - 13/05/2013 23:51 - United States - Quincy

Today, while doing a fun genetics game in Biology, I found out that I was adopted. Turns out the game wasn't so fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 417
You deserved it 3 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

then000bster 16

Ya know what you can say? Your parents picked you, other people just get what comes out :)

Honestly who cares? They love you, you love them, their your parents and your still their son, just not genetically


Hey, look on the bright side, it means that you have a family that wanted you, and therefore loves you. You'd be surprised at how many people resent or hate thier non adopted children.

As an adopted person, I really hate being told I should be grateful that I even have a family. That's great and all, but it can really suck not knowing where you come from. I love my adoptive family with all my heart but my heritage is still very meaningful to me. OP, I'm sorry your parents kept your adoption a secret, mine were very open about it and that makes it easier to deal with.

My boyfriend's mother became pregnant the first time she ever had sex and the father denied him. Growing up without knowing his biological father was difficult for him. I can't imagine what it's like not knowing both sides of the list of things you mentioned. Yes, he had a loving upbringing but there's a void that I wonder if it'll ever feel complete.

I'm adopted to, there's a reason every reason to be grateful. Knowing where you come from isn't always what you think. I found my biological parents and it's something I'll always regret.

I can understand that, but let me share a story. A dear friend of mine found out she was adopted, and begged and begged her parents to help her find her real mom. Well after about 8 months they found her. She called and the woman invited her down to her home 11 stated away. She flew in and when she knocked on the door the woman said "Wow, I was really interested to see if you looked like me. But, I gave you up for a reason, I didn't want you then and I don't want to know you now." and closed the door in her face. So I hope you do appreciate your adopted parents, because your real ones might not be that great.

I've always found it silly that people look down on adopted children who want to find their real parents or are upset when learning they are adopted. The first is just natural. People can't help, but want to know where they came from. For better or for worse, those people will be your biological parents, just as much as your adopted parents are your adopted parents now. The second is more silly to me, as I can barely imagine having something like that happen to me. It is a complete shattering of beliefs about one's self and one's parents. How could someone just shrug something like that off?

I know that feel bro *pats back* its gonna be fine

Did the teacher fail you because your project wasn't working right?

My dad has grey eyes, my mum green and mine are brown, the same as my grandmother..

Just because a game In a class gave you a result as adopted it doesn't mean you are. You would have to go through a proper DNA test and everything to find out the truth. If it turned out that you are adopted nothing is going to change much, you'll still be living the same life you have been up to the point of that biology lesson :)

Or they could ask their adoptive parents?

KittyJay 3

Reminds me of that movie "Made In America"... Anyways I don't think it's exactly an FML moment, OP. Obviously you've felt like u belonged and you were/are loved so it's nothing to get worked up over. :)

It's just a game... You won't know for sure unless you go in for a DNA testing.

It really sucks that your parents didn't tell you the truth, OP. But don't be angry at them. Talk to them, I'm sure they will understand.

Your parents chose you and wanted you. Which is more than some people can say.