By WTFFAIL - 03/12/2012 05:06 - Canada - Montreal

Today, while getting a hernia exam, I accidentally ran my fingers through my doctor's hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 578
You deserved it 9 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maneater8 7

How do u "accidentally" do that

I am still trying to envision how that happened.


Sounds like the beginning of a porno. The solution to everything is to have some crazy ass sex. Oh you have a hernia let me just **** your brains out until its gone.

lelo007 11

"I think we should have a more... Personal examination, just to make sure everything is performing as it should be." *awful porno music starts playing*

You know, I can almost see this happening "accidentally." I've done a few physical actions impulsively, realizing it only a second too late that it may not the most appropriate thing to do under the circumstances. Example: While being sleep deprived from having my newborn son and grocery shopping, I picked up a ham and kinda paused, thinking what else I needed when someone else's child started crying. What did I do? I rocked the ham back and forth gently for about 8 seconds before I realized wtf I was doing, and looked around in time to see about 5 people smirking at me like I was nuts. :) Some figured it out on their own, but none the less, I felt kinda foolish. :D Point is, maybe what Op did would have been more acceptable had it Not been his doctor, and the situation was Slightly altered. But take anything out of context, and it can definitely seem obscene! ;D Cheer up, Op! I'm quite sure most all doctors get to see and experience far worse from their patients in the course of their career! ;)

winkydog4056 16

I'll bet if we took a poll, no one, aside from OP of course, has accidentally run their fingers through a doctor's hair. I just have to wonder what was going on in the exam to trigger the 'accident'.

HighlandShadows 48

Two questions- 1. Where does it say op's doctor was a male ? - 2. How do you run your fingers threw someone's hair when they're behind you ?

As a standard statement in the medical field, they try to always place male doctors with male patients and female doctors with female patients when they are doing physical examinations. Reduces awkward feelings on the patient's end, among many other factors. With this in mind, it is very safe to assume that OP's doctor was in fact a male

RedPillSucks 31

@68 I don't think the hernia exam is done from behind. If yours was, you might want to switch doctors, unless you enjoy it, of course.

barefootchic 6

Do hernia exams require you to put your hands on his scalp?

RedPillSucks 31

Yeah, if you want to brace your self... Wait..., what?