By Anonymous - 15/03/2015 03:02 - United States - Lake Forest

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, some homeless person came up to the window and started doing a voice-over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 479
You deserved it 13 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's ok as long as he sounds like Morgan Freeman.


ted Williams is that you, did you come back

uchihadesendent 14

my goal is to be a voice actor but to read a funny fml today made my day

I have to admit that is pretty funny but such a mood killer. Always remember to close the curtains/blinds!

"And now, the male repeatedly thrusts his penis into the female's ******..."

I like the sound of this homeless guy. When you're done being creeped out, could you introduce me to him?