By Anonymous - 15/03/2015 03:02 - United States - Lake Forest

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, some homeless person came up to the window and started doing a voice-over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 479
You deserved it 13 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's ok as long as he sounds like Morgan Freeman.


yes that really does suck...but thanks for the laugh

I think we all agree, that we need a transcript of his voice-over.

I was going to say we're missing exactly where this happened (out in public? At home by a window?), but I think you've hit the really important omission.

That's actually pretty funny, at least he added new context to your situation.

I cant see it now! "In a world were he came early... She assured him that it happens to all men but he would soon find out she was lying!"

That's hilarious. I can just imagine some random guy narrating the whole thing.

Humor probably gets him through the day. That's not something you do to be perverted, that's something you do to try to be funny when you're a messed up dude.

I used to narrate what couples were doing in public like a host from the animal planet so I find this hilarious. Sorry OP, but I think I have to side with the homeless dude.

That's awesome though? That would be the funniest shit ever