By naughtymommy0317 - 20/06/2013 08:47 - United States

Today, while having sex with my husband, he accidentally elbowed me in the face. I don't know which is worse: that he didn't stop to see if I was OK, or that it seemed to turn him on and he climaxed immediately after he'd hit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 112
You deserved it 5 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he ask if you were okay once he finished?

How kinky ^___^ next time elbow him in the balls then fake an ******, see how he likes it


BigDaddy910 4

Maybe it wasn't an "accident".

He wasn't kidding when he said he'd hit it anyway he could.

bob226 7

Hey at least he's not smacking you around

Cue the Fifty Shades of Grey/Chris Brown jokes now!

EmsyyyRose13 24

He probably didn't even realize he hit you. Unless you told him otherwise, he might have just thought your movements after being hit were part of your pleasure. Communication works wonders.

RedDragonx32 8

he was probably almost there and was doing all he can to achieve it. accidents happen and proabaly hope u forgot about it lol.

It happens, maybe he's into a bit of rough play.