By Anonymous - 06/02/2010 19:50 - United States

Today, while I was backing out of the my work's parking lot, I hit my boss's truck. While he was in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 829
You deserved it 23 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it only makes it worse that he was in it because you were trying to get away without anyone knowing.

Bugatti_Veyron 1


aeslehc_ 0

YDI because apparently you don't know the function of a rearview mirror

YDI learn to ******* drive get back to your kitchen bitch!

Way to add another story as to why females can't drive properly. -_- YDI

Way to go Danica! Somehow I doubt your boss would have enjoyed a hit and run, so lucky for you that you could not follow a broken moral compass and drive away. If you had and he found out later it would have been worse.

510lobita510 0

I hear a pay cut coming soon

cam007_fml 0

Back into your spot. Dumb ass. YDI.

nates0210 0

she probably can do that right without hitting something either :)

I'm sure everyone's thinking it, so I'll just go ahead and say it: Somehow I knew this was going to be a woman before I even checked the gender.

Gobsnoglin 0

In before 'women drivers' comment! oh. already like 20 of them. nevermind.

ydi... coz your last comment sounds like you would have just walked away if he wasn't in the vehicle.