By tash - 24/05/2011 12:33 - Canada

Today, while I was mowing the lawn in my backyard, I ran over a glass bottle. My legs looked like a disco ball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 977
You deserved it 9 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weetart 8

Look on the bright side now you can be the ball of the party.

imacreeper 3

when in doubt, dance it out! you've already got the disco ball:)


VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

The hell? Why didn't you scan the area beforehand for that kinda shit? YDI. A glass bottle is not something that's be easy to miss. Did you mow down any small children while you were out there as well?

ReynshineCutting 10

A glass bottle can easily be missed if the grass is tall. I take it you don't mow much.

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I do actually. I guess I'm just more thorough.

I would think a glass bottle is fairly easy to miss. Especially if the grass was tall... and I'm assuming is was because they were mowing it.

Igor_g5 0

How tall do you let your grass get before you mow it?

34 when grass gets to long it won't get mowed properly so obv. you don't mow much.

hahaha where you trying to be a vampire?

Because Edward shines like diamonds(glass in the sunlight?).

TayonaC 10

twilight ruined vampire movies, it's only redemption is to have blade come in and kill them all....

weird_little_kid 0

Now you can dance your way to the hospital

with Barry Gibb from the Bee Gees. :D

XxbrokeNCYDExX 6

I'm really sorry but i laughed so hard at this FML lol i hope your leg gets better OP :) *Now back to biology revision -_-*

missmaryb 0

Shoes and long pants when mowing, pay attention to what you're running over, and don't let the grass get so long that you can't see what you're mowing over. YDI.

ReynshineCutting 10

You are aware that when it rains the grass grows pretty tall and you can't mow wet grass right? Where I live it's been raining almost nonstop for 2 weeks. We had our first day of sunshine on Sunday so it was our first chance to mow in 2 weeks and the grass was about a foot tall. It's not that we "let" the grass get that tall, we didn't have a choice. Here's another idea, maybe they don't have their own lawnmower and have to borrow one to mow the grass. We borrow my fiancé's dad's every 2 weeks since we can't afford our own yet. It's not always someone's choice to "let" the grass grow really tall.

Really? You can't afford one? That actually (genuinely, no sarcasm or bitchiness) surprises me! Unless you're talking ride-on mowers that's like saying you can't afford a kettle.. You can get a pretty decent one for about £30 (again unless you're talking ride-on)

You can mow wet grass, it's just not healthy for either the grass or the mower (well the mower just gets clogged), but you can still do it. Also, we bought a nearly-new push mower on craigslist for $50.

sourgirl101 28

Why buy one when you have one available to you every two weeks? Three of my neighbors borrow our lawnmower. We take turns mowing each other's lawns and filling it up with gas. Once it broke and we all pitch in to get it repaired. Yes, you're correct, "some" are not that expensive (but you get what you pay for) it's still a few $$$ you can save.(:

ReynshineCutting 10

New push ones are $125+. That's a lot for us to spend on something all at once. We might be getting one next month after my fiance works five zillion hours of overtime, but not until then at least.

$125 is about £70 at the moment right? Well that would make more sense, lawnmowers are clearly cheaper here!

I just got a used electric cordless mower for $25 at a garage sale and it works great, hunt around who says you need a new one?

Some people (me included to an extent) don't like buying 2nd hand stuff. Spend $25 on a mower from a garage sale or whatever, it might break next week. You have no warranty or anything so you wasted $25 and STILL need a mower. I'll happily beg/borrow/steal/buy 2nd hand furniture though, you can see it that's in good nick or not!

Ouch!!! I'm glad I dnt have to cut grass!!! Thats def something that would happen to me! :-/