By busfail - 22/03/2012 18:00 - Canada - Burnaby

Today, while I was on the bus to work, a morbidly obese man sat down next to me. When my stop came and I stood up to get off, he just looked at me, said with a smirk, "good luck with that," and went back to reading his paper. I missed my stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 609
You deserved it 2 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maddidaddi 0
footballfreak65 6

You should have yelled " oh look they are giving free hotdogs outside"


Lol, I can imagine trying to explain to your boss why you were late... "I swear, it was the fat guy's fault!"

i would be like bitch please and punch him in the balls if his fat isnt hiding them and say good luck having children

If he is morbidly obese he already terminated the possibility of having kids.

xIBleedPurplex16 0

Should of been like hey look we past your stop...McDonald's.

That ain't funny. I haven't seen my Willie in over 2 years. That's enough for it to be legally dead.

Tell him 'good luck finding your toes'.

You should've told him to go eat some more twinkies

katcot99 11

I would have said- "at least I have something to look forward to when I finally get home."

PYLrulz 17

Fat Bastard: *troll face* U mad?

Fat ****. If that happened to me I would honestly climb over the person, making it as uncomfortable for them as I possibly could.

Brelywi 15

Shoulda just climbed over him.