By anonymous - 20/02/2010 01:47 - Ireland

Today, while in bed with my game-obsessed girlfriend, she told me I was a "noob" in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 473
You deserved it 6 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then you got your predator missile and penetrated deep.

That's what happens when you use too many speed cheats :P


MadaZer0 8

After I get it back I usually fiend for about 2-3 hours a day... Except on Fridays... Spend the entire day on that XP

kool beans. I'm going to sleep. Good luck coming up with more mw2 puns madazer0.

hahaha. he fiddled with her akimbo raficas

MadaZer0 8

Yup make sure to grab and fondle my "grenades" on the way to bed~

mw2 is fail. especially the pc version. they take out dedicated servers an charge us extra?! **** you iw and activision

MadaZer0 8

Nah it's pure win man~ It has a little problems but it's still a good game Especially if your using the aimbots hack xD

i bet ur penis had silencer, cold blooded and ninja pro on it no wonder why she called u noob

for the record: 23.. it's a USMC cover, not an Army hat. 24.. I've never had a spray tan. I'm Native American.. it's a natural tan.

even more of a fail for wearing a usmc hat. and still throwing the peace sign lol