By Anonymous - 17/10/2011 22:54 - United States

Today, while leaving a football game, I saw a half-empty bottle of Mountain Dew on the ground. It was night-time and there weren't many people around, so for a laugh, I picked it up and tossed it behind me as hard as I could. It hit someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 331
You deserved it 53 979

Same thing different taste

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stclair 0

WTF did you expect to happen? For it to turn into a bird and fly away?

that's horrible!!! why am I laughing? *guilty face*

today at the local football game, some dumbass decided toss a full can of moutian dew behind him, hitting me in the process. I'm allergic to mountian dew. FML

WeAreAHurricane 14

Whatd you expect it to do? Just disapear and not hit anyone?

I thought you were going to drink it(: hahaha

Lol, It's only good for a laugh because you hit somebody!

vvaall_fml 2

How would that be funny at all if you threw it behind you? How would you get a laugh from that.. And how is this an FML???