By WishIWasADogMinder - 10/12/2015 10:47 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By g_unit - 10/12/2009 05:24 - Canada
By failedfather - 16/12/2013 16:34 - Australia - Ferntree Gully
By donezo - 26/06/2009 05:43 - United States
By ewww - 30/07/2011 14:07 - United States
By lifesucks0925 - 06/09/2013 07:01 - United States - Vallejo
Filthy animal
By Chris - 25/01/2022 14:01
Spooky season has begun
By Anonymous - 04/10/2019 00:01
I just work here
By don't get paid enough for this - 11/07/2015 02:20 - United States - Youngstown
Nice neighborhood
By Rebecca c - 23/03/2021 08:01
By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 18:32 - Norway
Top comments
lets just pretend that taxes dont exist, you know for the sake of this FML.
Oy vey, sounds like the stuff I encounter at my job whenever it's my turn to clean the washrooms.
Will I never learn to not eat food while reading FMLs?!
I ask myself this all the time. I WAS eating my lunch at work when I read this one.
they should just have a warning. CAUTION : AVOID FOOD WHEN ACESSING THID SITE
OR drink liquids ESP. w/ a stuffed-up nose!!! lol
I once kept the airport terminal openned 30 mins for free so passengers could go to the bathroom and wait inside for their rides. The last guy who left came to me and, in a really rude and condescesding manner, told me : somebody clogged the toilet, go clean it up There was shit all the way up to the seat and it smelled like hell. Sadly I have more stories like this one. I totally agree it sucks
Why are you making less than minimum wage?
probably because the minimum wage, isn't the minimum.
People leave nasty messes at any place. Either they're embarrassed or just don't give a shit. I never realized how disgusting people truly were until I worked at a grocery store. Once a lady left a trail of poop to the bathroom trying to make it there. I felt bad for the person who had to clean it up.
This is why, where I live, so few people are willing to work at McDonald's that, in order to have a sufficient staff, they have to offer a starting wage well above minimum.
Can I get fries with that?
Maybe your pay is low but it's federal law that even low-paying jobs have to pay at least minimum wage
They're in Australia.
Yes 51, and in Australia we do have laws regarding minimum wages. Sounds like OP's boss is dodgy and found a loophole or is just plain dodgy.
How is mcd's paying you less than minimum? When I worked there, it was low pay, but they made sure to follow all minimum wage laws. Sucks when you have days like that.
What was the grossest!? Wait, I dont want to know.