By WishIWasADogMinder - 10/12/2015 10:47 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By g_unit - 10/12/2009 05:24 - Canada
By failedfather - 16/12/2013 16:34 - Australia - Ferntree Gully
By donezo - 26/06/2009 05:43 - United States
By ewww - 30/07/2011 14:07 - United States
By lifesucks0925 - 06/09/2013 07:01 - United States - Vallejo
Filthy animal
By Chris - 25/01/2022 14:01
Spooky season has begun
By Anonymous - 04/10/2019 00:01
I just work here
By don't get paid enough for this - 11/07/2015 02:20 - United States - Youngstown
Nice neighborhood
By Rebecca c - 23/03/2021 08:01
By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 18:32 - Norway
Top comments
At least it wasn't used toilet paper.
Get a real job.
You want fries with that condescending attitude? Everyone has to start somewhere.
Rather have A job than NO job dickbag. Like it's so easy to go out and get a better one right away.
Shove it up your ass. If people like op weren't working at McDonald's, who would shovel Big Macs into your garbage disposal of a mouth? Also, it's ironic how people like you think Mcdonalds "isn't a real job" but get pissed when the service is slow. If it's not a real job, why should the employees work fast?
Yup, working at McDonald (or any similar job) can really suck. One of my friends was sent to clean a liquidy splotch in the play space which they assumed was pee...closer inspection revealed it to be a small puddle of ****. I truly sympathize with everyone who's stuck doing such shitty jobs.
Making less than minimum wage is illegal.
Not as bad as the time when I had to clean someone's used, bloody tampon that was stuck to the wall. It was disgusting.
College loan is very tempting about now I would imagine
It's not less than the minimum trust me. I've worked there. But yes it feels like you don't get paid enough for some of the shit you deal with. I once had to climb into the play gym thing and clean shit out of it. Also had to clean diarrhoea off the walls in the bathrooms. It's disgusting how some people act.
And yes I'm from Australia too
How can you be getting less than minimum wage? Maccas pay isn't good, but it's not bad either. If you really are being underpaid stop complaining and report it. sounds like you were just trying to make the FML more dramatic.
How is mcd's paying you less than minimum? When I worked there, it was low pay, but they made sure to follow all minimum wage laws. Sucks when you have days like that.
What was the grossest!? Wait, I dont want to know.