By bruised - 19/05/2016 20:54 - Australia - Sydney

Today, while playing hockey, one of my teammates decided to swing her hockey stick like a golf club. She missed the ball, but managed to hit me right in the vagina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 320
You deserved it 1 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being hit in the ****** is surprisingly extremely painful- once i ran into a table and the corner hit me in the ****** and i couldn't walk for like an hour


First FML I've read in a while that made me genuinely laugh. Sorry about that OP!

**** man... I feel your pain getting hit there hurts so much.

Same happened to me in school when I was 13. However I got hit in the jaw and to this day it still crunches and clicks, quite annoying.

Airborn0280 18

It's a hockey puck, not hockey ball.

we were playing field hockey, yes it was a ball :)

Why are you playing hockey with a ball and not a puck?

it was field hockey, which is played with a ball