By Zora - 15/07/2012 23:13 - Norway - Bergen

Today, while shopping, my six-year-old son threw a tantrum because I wouldn't buy him a video game. I ended up having to grab his arm and leave the store. He screamed that I was kidnapping him, at which point I was socked in the face and pinned to the floor by three bystanders. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 281
You deserved it 3 793

Same thing different taste


My mom did the exact same thing when I was being a brat in the store. Though I never accused her of being a kidnapper. I applaud your good parenting, many people now-a-days would have just gave in and bought the game.

To end the story the bystanders were the real kidnappers

The fact you got beaten will teach him a lesson op. Well done for not caving in and getting it for him. It can be hard I know...

mrmerino 0

You know who's fault it is when a child misbehaves like that? That's right...

I bet your son really feels bad now.

rcgirl2 11

If I did that when I was little, my parents would've tore my ass up.

see this is what happens when parents aren't allowed to smack their kids.

wubbazugg 5

I don't know how child punishment laws are over there, but if that kid had been brought up with a proper ass whippin every time he did anything stupid like that, he wouldn't goddamn do it for long to begin with.