By Emily - 12/11/2012 18:12 - United States - Hayward

Today, while sitting in a waiting room, a man assured me "The safety's on" after he handed his kid his BB gun. A minute later, I practically had a hole in my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 031
You deserved it 2 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why the hell did someone have a hb gun in any type of waiting room?

Was it a hospital waiting room? That would be convenient.


Meanwhile, in Montana/Idaho/Texas... But seriously? A hole in your foot from a BB gun? Unless you were wearing flip-flops and have an unusual skin condition, a BB doesn't stand a chance getting through your skin. Don't be a drama queen. Still a worthwhile FML though...

Welll... as they say in hunter's ed- "The safety is a mechanical device that CAN fail- so always keep the gun unloaded with the action open when not in use."

Omg, that man should be shot! I own lots of those and real ones too and would NEVER allow a child to hold one without being at a range, while hovering o et the gun toting hand!!!!!!

xdaftpunkxloverx 10

Wow I hope you sued. Why the **** would someone hand their child a BB gun AND in public. Stupid.

oh please. I go airsofting which revolves around getting shot with BB guns all the time. Yes, getting shot point blank hurts but it would not put a hole in your foot. No offence intended, but stop being a princess about it.


Some people take the 2nd amendment way to seriously.

Why would you trust someone who said the safety was on?

The **** kind of waiting room were you in?!?!?!