By Emily - 12/11/2012 18:12 - United States - Hayward

Today, while sitting in a waiting room, a man assured me "The safety's on" after he handed his kid his BB gun. A minute later, I practically had a hole in my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 031
You deserved it 2 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why the hell did someone have a hb gun in any type of waiting room?

Was it a hospital waiting room? That would be convenient.


khriss_khriss 7

Yea, exactly why would he have a BB gun in a waiting room .... AND why on earth would he give it to his child ???? Some people are just plain crazy seriously

Kade20 4

What kind of waiting room were you in?! Haha

Hope it was the waiting room at a hospital! o___o

It's just a BB gun. Sack up dude. My friends and I shoot each other with them for dares when we're bored.

I think you and your friends are mentally to young to use a water gun unsupervised.

I don't know.. I think it's fake. Something like this would definitely be news worthy. I can't find anything on it, nor can I see how someone could get a BB gun into a waiting room and have it passed around without getting noticed by someone. Unless it's a gun range waiting room? We need more info OP!!!

ben10jammin 3

1 why did he have a BB gun 2 why would he give his son it 3 why was it loaded 4 why did he give it as a toy in a waiting room! Some people

ben10jammin 3

1 why did he have a BB gun 2 why would he give his son it 3 why was it loaded 4 why did he give it as a toy in a waiting room! Some people