By atetoeate - 27/08/2010 06:49 - United States

Today, while trying to give an immunization to a "special" 13-year-old, I got spit on, kicked, almost bitten, and had a chair thrown at me. When it was all over, I flinched when the patient tried to hug me. Her mom called me a "b*tch" and I later found out she wasn't a "special" child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 345
You deserved it 3 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, what a brat. After it was all over, you should have called security or something.

bebz_fml 0

yeah well they just piss me off


instead of a vaccination you should have shot that little shit full of poison and then steralize the mother so she couldn't make any more, and done the world a favor.

oh the kid's special, alright. he just hasn't been diagnosed with anything. too bad these parents never get called out for ******* up their kids' development.

You should have told her to get her crap and her misbegotten little monster and get the hell out of your sight.

well I'm sure you'll remember him the next time he comes in. then use the thickest needle you can find for his dumbass.

It's spelt with an a, like caesium, paedophile and probably a variety of other words. Or more rather, it's technically accepted as being spelt both ways due to each being accepted in different places.

Kawaiichan42 3

Why is it that Americans think our way is the only correct way to spell things, yet everyone in the UK and such seems to be perfectly fine with and knowledgeable of American English spellings and whatnot? It's shameful. You're all making us out to be ignorant, pompous jackasses, and then we wonder why other countries hate us. It's because we generally tend to act like our way is the only correct way.

We're fine with you having your own way of spelling things so long as you allow us to continue spelling things our way. :) Or maybe that's just me? However chances are that it's because there's more people in America than the UK, which means that people in the UK are more likely to be familiar with American spelling whereas people in America are less likely to have come across UK spelling? Just a thought. Though I do agree with you.

Kawaiichan42 3

You might be right, Cinn. Maybe it's also because there are more Americans around to act like assholes. We aren't exactly known for being polite...

it's bad Enough that people make fun of disabled kids, but people to act like one deserve to die in a hole.

I think you are a "special" with horrible grammar like that

he probably is special nit undiagnosed ****** retard child

am_i_dead_yet 0

well its not ur fault. its her fault for letting her kid be a brat. and wtf even if he was special, u shouldnt let him do that shit... id try restraining him...