By atetoeate - 27/08/2010 06:49 - United States

Today, while trying to give an immunization to a "special" 13-year-old, I got spit on, kicked, almost bitten, and had a chair thrown at me. When it was all over, I flinched when the patient tried to hug me. Her mom called me a "b*tch" and I later found out she wasn't a "special" child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 346
You deserved it 3 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, what a brat. After it was all over, you should have called security or something.

bebz_fml 0

yeah well they just piss me off


I'm going out on a limb here and surmising that all of you commentators that are blaming the OP for not "checking the records" or suggesting that the OP should have "given the kid a cookie to calm him down" have ****** up kids themselves and they just don't want to admit it. Now, I could be wrong about that, but the problem is that I can't think of ANY OTHER POSSIBLE REASON for not making this mother and this teenager accountable for their own actions. Me? I would have whooped BOTH of their asses so badly, called security, waited for them to take me away, then counter-sued the bitch and her spawn (ah, the joys of being tried as an adult in IL for violent crimes!) for assault with a deadly weapon charges. Just because you CAN breed doesn't mean that you SHOULD.

Just because you can do anything doesn't mean to say you should. That's what common sense is for. Therefore just because you could have used violence to solve the issue doesn't mean to say you should do. There is also a difference between saying the OP should have checked the records and believing that it's the OP's fault. I believe the OP should have checked the records before hand because that way she would have known the kid was misbehaving and therefore could have dealt with it properly rather than assuming that the kid couldn't control his own actions. It would also mean that if the mother pulled the 'he's just special and misunderstood' line then the OP could tell her she was wrong. (Also, I've never screwed a kid up and still think that way.)

Kawaiichan42 3

I showed this post to my dad's girlfriend, who works in the medical field. She said that the doctors don't give the shots, nurses do, the shot has to be approved by a doctor, and the nurse doesn't see the medical records at all.

Fair enough. I just thought that they'd at least mention important things to them. Like behaviour disorders.

Kawaiichan42 3

One would think. That comment wasn't directed at you, either, Cinn. It just happened to be under your comment. There are quite a few people who seem to think the Op simply needed to look at the medical records. I agree that the doctor should have mentioned it, but as IrishJane said, sometimes medical records are incomplete, and RedPill pointed out that the child may have gone to a clinic, where they likely don't have the child's records. Our health department, where quite a few people go for shots doesn't even bother asking things like that in the forms you have to fill out.

Fair enough, Kawaii, but I did suggest the OP look at the records too. :)

Kawaiichan42 3

That's true. My brain has not been working correctly the past couple days. I guess my comment was directed at you, but not only at you.

MetalFish 0

I hate kids like that, little ***** ¬_¬ their parents are no better either...

In regard to the FML, clearly not "special", just trash/rednecks. In regard to the discussion: I am American, but I know nothing about this supposed "American" or "English" correct or wrong way of doing things. As far as I am concerned, I would put the period (or comma) inside the quotes if it relates to the sentence that is inside the quotes. If the period or comma is not part of the quote, I would put it outside of the quote. All for the sake of clarity! And I don't think that punctuation being inside or outside of quotes is sufficient reason for admins to edit a comment, OR for a discussion to ensue!!

you deserve it if u can't spell pediatrics and its ur job to work with kids # 32 the punctuation doesn't ALWAYS go inside the quotation marks genius

Wow, seriously, what do YOU deserve for not understanding the difference between English and American spellings of certain words?

Knowledge is your friend, bren_DUH, as is reading. It's already been explained why paediatrics is an acceptable spelling. Not that it'd be difficult to find out anyway, the internet is full of useful information like that.

I was like that to my teacher when I was little.

when I first started reading this I was like U BITCH but then at the end I lol'ed. nicely done. very nicely done

you spelled pediatrics wrong, doctors aren't allowed to call mentally handicapped kids "special" and you didn't have all his background info? how stupid do you think we are?

The OP did not spell paediatrics wrong, FMLs have a character limit (I think 300) so the OP probably used the term "special" as it was shorter and due to anonymity it doesn't matter too greatly how professional that is, and it's already been stated above somewhere about why the OP might not have all the kids background info (though I do agree the OP should've checked), so learn your facts before calling others stupid.

Paediatrics is the correct English spelling; There is more than one country in this world.

You sure it wasn't my friend...;) love him 2 death but still...

Lol problem children tht would b me iv almost done that to a doc