By Roma-Jay - 22/07/2012 14:13 - United Kingdom - Coventry

Today, while trying to look cute and playing with my hair in front of a boy, I pulled a piece of my hair extension out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 677
You deserved it 48 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if that's not cute, I don't know what is!

Playing with your hair is not cute unless you're five years old and actually shy... YDI.


ah you're from Coventry. Says it all really...

Sarcastic_x 6

"Today, while trying to look cute..." yeah that's all I need. YDI.

Wear a wig. The effect would be more dramatic if you pull that cute move with a wig on.

AntonioMontana 0
chele2382 5

ydi for being an idiot and having cheap hair extensions. and @98 take a chill pill. no one is saying anything about those who need wigs or hair extensions. it's about stupid little girls who get them and flip them around to be cute.