By Roma-Jay - 22/07/2012 14:13 - United Kingdom - Coventry

Today, while trying to look cute and playing with my hair in front of a boy, I pulled a piece of my hair extension out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 677
You deserved it 48 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if that's not cute, I don't know what is!

Playing with your hair is not cute unless you're five years old and actually shy... YDI.


Salinnax3 2

"I whip my weave back and forth, I whip my back and forth...ohhhh snapppp!"

Cobra1121 0

(how the heck is this gonna go back in?) challenge accepted. ( superglues) ... dafuq am i doing?!?!

randompanda7 4

Lol that happened to me at prom. But I wasn't flirting OR playing with my hair. It sucks when people notice!

don't try to impress. they should like you for who you really are.

YDI for being vain. Fake people suck.

Hair extensions are gross. Grow it out like a normal person.

Hair extensions are gross. Grow it out like a normal person.