By overpriced coffee shop worker - 17/11/2012 18:35 - United States - Rowland Heights

Today, while working at the coffee shop, I had to empty the garbage cans. One of the bags gave way, and all the half-finished cups of coffee spilled all over my uniform. Most customers' orders cost more than I make per hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 114
You deserved it 2 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RvidxrKlvn 8

Drink a big cup of joe and venti some of that frustration out.

That doesn't sound like a very flavorable position you've bean placed into. Try milking your boss for all you're worth, you might get a latte money! Hey, it's worth a shot!


I make $18/hour and some of my orders are in the thousands of dollars, so complaining about your wage versus the company profits really isn't relevant here OP. Sucks about your uniform though.

Razi_tail 25

Yeah, it didn't make much sense as to why OP felt the need to point that out.

I'm pretty sure s/he was pointing out that people are wasting more money on a cup of coffee than OP makes in an hour.

honeybadgerr 9

Haha remain calm friends! I was being sarcastic too.. But whatevvs

joeisahooker 1

Since you spilled them on you you're worth more now!! :) think about the positive stuff

Quit your crying and become more of an asset to your company their by earning a higher wage or learn a skill that is marketable.

**** you; you've clearly never worked in food service before.

65...thank you. I've worked a shitty fast food job for years now, and while I've worked hard enough to ensure job security, I still don't make a full dollar over minimum wage cuz McD's pays shit. And I'm going to school so I can get out, but that takes time. Not all poor people are lazy.

Are you really that gullible? Certain corporations have specialised in keeping everyone at minimum wage, and would stand to lose much more from allowing salaries to increase than losing a few competent employees. To learn a truly attractive skill usually takes a few years, and you need to support yourself in the meantime. Just as employers should be allowed to bitch about lazy and incompetent workers, employees are right to complain about shitty working conditions.

I don't think you know what sarcasm is then. Actually, is it me, or do a ton of FMLers tell terrible jokes, and when they're down voted and/or denigrated they pull out the "I was being sarcastic" card?

It's a cover up for stupidity, for some of them. That's what I think. What would I know though? I'm just a whale.

honeybadgerr 9

#54 my apologies good sir.. I just have an odd sense of humor sometimes I really wasn't saying that just because I was downgraded

This is why I don't drink Starbucks. Shitty coffee at ridiculously expensive prices. Sorry OP, that sucks.