By creepedouthostess - 17/06/2009 07:12 - United States

Today, while working in a restaurant, I took an elderly man to his table under a red colored lamp. He asked me if this was "the red light district." I thought he was just kidding until when I was placing down the menus he leaned in and whispered creepily in my ear, "You know, you're really sexy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 476
You deserved it 3 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i would say FYL, but ur probably gonna get a mean ass tip. u go girl! lol

Good to know you attract some people Pedo-bear makes a move


Ewww Creepy old men, I think we've all been there You have my sympathy

An old guy flirting with you is NOT a FML! It's LIFE. You are obviously to immature to be dealing with the public. Crawl back under mommies apron (but don't look up).

mm....somehow this seems too coincidental to be something from SNL or COmedy Central or soemthing...funny either way though

Bah! Big whoop. You are just a hostess. You sat him, he made eyes at you and you walk back to the entryway. Not like you had to come refill his coffee every 10 minutes. Booooring.

He's probably one of those charmers who just have to turn everything into a sexual situation. Kind of like Beavis 50 years from now. I bet he'll be a real laff riot at the nursing home.

Youre_not_sorry7 2
Youre_not_sorry7 2
funsize003 0

ummm **** with his food so it taste's nasty, so he never comes back. and to all the people who are saying this isn't an FML, don't listen. I've been in this situation, it can be pretty awkward and uncomfortable. The age difference is a big issue, if it had been a thirty year old hitting on a nine year old, everyone would freak out. but honestly, it's the same situation.