By creepedouthostess - 17/06/2009 07:12 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Job Seeking - 22/01/2013 11:14 - Australia - Melbourne
Nan's gotta have it
By Anonymous - 12/06/2009 07:53 - Canada
By grannysmack - 11/07/2009 09:10 - United States
I don't get paid enough for this
By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 09:41 - United States
Nice try
By bigmouth - 02/08/2009 07:35 - United States
By Lola - 26/12/2008 06:32 - France
By terrified - 18/01/2012 19:02 - United States
Keep your distance
By Anonymous - 25/02/2021 20:01 - Australia
By thatswhatsup66 - 20/03/2012 19:01 - United States - Greer
By WhyMe - 09/04/2017 22:00
Top comments
I would not like it if a 25 year old woman with every disease out there probably was hitting on me. And since when do diseases have anything to do with this? Retard. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it creepy. Now please take your own advice :) shut up and get over yourself. The only comments you get on your attractiveness are probably from old men
Is anyone else confused about the numberings on the comments now?
Okay A. She said elderly man, NOT 25 year old woman; jackass. Second I said diseases because it came to my ******* mind, why do you care? And no the comments from my attractiveness are not only from old men, but some are and it is ******* creepy. How would you know? If I'm uncomfortable it is creepy. You don't know me to say that anyway. Okay? Jackoff.
Today, someone told me i was sexy. FML Get over yourself
Wow, that's awkward, I'm sorry. At least you can feel lucky you're not the girl on here who got motorboated at. Strangely, she got crapped on for complaining a lot more than you did. Maybe the misogynists are just learning to keep their mouths shut, or maybe they just had more to work with to turn it on the girl. Hm. Hopefully it's the former. ;D
Not the first neither the last waitress victim of sexual harassment it part of the job I guess.
If that old man was switched with a hot guy you'd jump on that dick no hesitation with a replica of the dialogue. Seems to me he was kinda kidding around, until he started hitting on you that is.
i would say FYL, but ur probably gonna get a mean ass tip. u go girl! lol
Good to know you attract some people Pedo-bear makes a move