By getajob - 28/09/2012 17:40 - United States - Carmel

Today, while working security at a welfare office, I had to listen as a claimant gushed about her upcoming Caribbean cruise. I work two jobs and haven't had a vacation since 2006. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 495
You deserved it 2 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NoraT_fml 6

Gota love people abusing the welfare system...

And she is applying for welfare?! I hate that some people are working hard to make a living for themselves in these tough times, while others are flying under the ******* radar, and cheating the system. I hope she gets turned down.


Maybe he found work on the cruise ship? You have to find work wherever you can find it, even if it means spending all your time on a beautiful ship cleaning up after drunk idiots who constantly gorge themselves on yet another buffet.

hopsinlove17 26
ArsenalFan12 0

Personally this disgusts me. Working people take all the shit

kiraleann 16

You'd think she'd be smart enough to shut her piehole about such things in a welfare office. If the right person overheard her she'd get any benefits she already had taken away for misuse. I hope she actually saved up the money for that cruise over a fair amount of time, it pisses me off that there are lazy assholes out there who decide it's cool for them to take a free ride for a few years on everyone else's earnings. IMO, if you can survive the month on what you make and you're not lacking food or unable to pay all your bills, you don't need help.

I deliver these peoples' cheques. I feel your pain OP. I don't even know how some of these people sleep at night knowing they haven't earned a damned thing they've received. Except when they piss off their mailman. Then they'll get a MUCH deserved and earned throatpunch.

rosha267 21

How do you know she was funding it?

I bet she has an iphone 5 and drives an expensive car, too I am not a big fan of the unemployment /welfare system after I got home from Iraq and was released from active duty and was denied unemployment. I'd deny that lady's claims, if she can afford a vacation to the caribbean she doesn't need welfare that badly.

patriot248 4

Yes, I fear the same thing. I have been deployed 3 times to Iraq, going to Afgan in a few months. Vacation..what's that? And they want to cut our benefits to save money?! God bless America but not the greedy politicians in office.

It's sad how easy it is to abuse the system. There's definitely a difference in "unable to work" and "unwilling to work".

Please explain to me how you know just how easy it is to abuse the system. I keep reading all these comments about how so many people are abusing the welfare system and living the high life. However, I personally find it almost impossible for anyone to be even living a halfway normal life with the amount of money they receive from welfare. My dad is disabled. He has many health conditions and due to a lack of medical records and an inability to go to the doctors he needs to to gather the proofs wanted, he has been denied social security disability numerous times. It is HARD to get approved for that! In the meantime as long as he submits new documentation every couple months he is eligible to receive $167/month (as long as the state decides to grant it after he sees their doctors). I feel like people make a lot of blanket statements about things they really have no knowledge about and it is extremely frustrating. So not only do you not get anywhere near enough money from welfare to live the high life, most cases the people who receive it really do need it. The state/federal government does a pretty good job of making sure of that by making it so hard to get by requiring a lot of proof of your situation.

Will just be worse if the president is reelected.