Trust the science

By Wtf - 29/04/2011 16:09 - Canada

Today, my doctor told me my asthma was being triggered by my dad's smoking. He wrote a note to my dad, asking him to refrain from smoking while around me. My dad took one look at the note, then threw it in the trash, saying the doctor "doesn't know what he's talking about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 458
You deserved it 3 016

Same thing different taste


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it's just that, I guess it's disgusting to ur body

I find my asthma gets better with the more smokes I smoke.

Eh, I don't know why people are like that. If you're going to smoke, fine, that's your choice to destroy your lungs, but at least be considerate of other people. (especially in your case, OP). I can't believe your dad can't at least step outside/away from you when he smokes. It's not like the doctor told him to stop smoking completely. Just try to stay away, I guess?

it may not be dipped in shit but it wouldn't surprise me if they mixed it with the tar in em!

You should file a law suit against your father for premeditated murder because 1. he's slowly killing you with the second hand smoke and 2. asthma is a serious possibly fatal disease in which he's exacerbating by smoking around you which could lead to your death if he doesn't stop

FreebirdIII 1

Murder? OP is alive and posting. I would try for assault. Even that doesn't stand much chance, but at least it shows that you're serious.

premeditated murder would mean he planned to murder his child. You're a ******* idiot.

Depending on OPs age, he could get it for maltreatment of children (don't know actual legal term). But not murder.

FreebirdIII 1

not many people have you on retainer do they. I bet you can get me off of tickets too. Sue the city for premeditated robbery.

MissFukMyLuck 0

in a lot of states it's illegal to smoke in your car with children under a cretin age (in Louisiana its 14) I wonder if there's anything like that in Canada. it should be!!! our babies don't deserve our cancer. and I can't see myself being too fond of my father for doing something so detrimental to my health for his pleasure. hell yea I would take it to some extreams!

Sinkhole 26

76 - I know it was a mistake, but I loved the "under a cretin age", that was funny :D

Extra tar means extra taste! Mmm hmmm! And to be honest even if marlboro did dip their cigarettes in dog shit I'd still smoke 'em I ******' loooove smoking!

MissFukMyLuck 0

I love that my aunt died of lung cancer. desensitize idiot.

I'm really sorry about your aunt but please don't guilt trip me for my lifestyle choices.

MissFukMyLuck 0

I suppose it's how naive you are to how dangerous it is and you seem to flaunt that you enjoy doing damage to your body. if it's what floats you boat tho, go for it! rock the cancer!

@81 Now you're the one not showing any sensitivity, I lost several family members to cancer, do you really think that means I moan at everyone who flaunts that they have cancer? Fyi, I also smoke, most people just don't seem to understand that it calms you down. And before anyone says poor OP, etc. I'm sympathising with OP's dad, it is wromg what he's doing, it's just me having a rant at 81

I wouldn't say I was naive I know smoking really isn't good for you but to be honest I don't care, there really isn't much for me to keep living for anyway! I think we should just agree to disagree on this one.

MissFukMyLuck 0

this was the first comment I saw with such boldness, probably the first statement as well. 'oh I LOVE smoking! it's great!! I KNOW it does awful things to my body, but shucks I don't mind!!' just came off as rather....dumb. I use to smoke as well, im a single mom and sure as shit it calmed me down! but then I pulled my head out my ass, decided it would be better for my son and myself (and bank account) to stop. I really don't see how anyone could lose anything from cutting back anyway, unless you really don't give a shit and have the money to burn. I'm glad they tax the hell out of it.

MissFukMyLuck 0

agreed 88, thank you for putting me back in logic. just remember kids opinions are like assholes, weve all got one and they all stink :)

Hey I never claimed to be Einstein! I also don't agree with the Op's dad, the comment you replied to was supposed to be a reply to the comment about how smoking is apparently disgusting if you read that thred my comment will at least make sense though you still will probably disagree with it. If I had children I would without a doubt quit smoking children don't ask to be born I know how shitty it can be if your brought up in a less than ideal environment, smoking around kids isn't fair. But you did hit the nail on the head with your last comment I don't give a shit and I do have money to burn...

Also I can't believe you directed that asshole comment at me, here I was thinking we were having a half decent debate on whether or not I should be allowed to smoke and voice my own opinion when you come out with a vulger personal attack such as that, which quite frankly sounds like the exact sort of thing a child WOULD say. I have not once insulted you yet you feel the need to insult me rather than give an appropriate reply, you're obviously an incredibly stupid and rather angry individual, I think it might be time for you to start smoking again...

MissFukMyLuck 0

I don't see where I made an asshole comment... I don't think I would direct that kind of shit to anyone, addressing the ideal or habit of thought is more my forte. not the best approach because obviously all smokers arent evil, and all single parents aren't irresponsible crack heads. soooo I don't know you, you don't know me. no sense in argument. if I did know you tho, I would offer you a big bowl of my homemade chicken and leek soup I made tonight!!! my house is like a soup kitchen when I cook :D

MissFukMyLuck 0

and the phrase 'opinions are like assholes' is NOT a personal attack! really?!? it's a generalized statement. and its true. we all have opinions, and we all disagree with others, it's nature. I don't even see how you find that insulting bro...

Hmm chicken and leek soup does sound good, I'm pretty hungry and there's no food in the house having spent all my money on smokes! =P If you lived in England I'd totally hold you to it too! I actually don't have anything better to do with my life than drive to randomers houses for free soup! Anyway it's two in the morning over here in England and all this typing and thinking has exhausted me, I doubt our paths will cross again but I hope you enjoy a happy life. Look at that, free soup seems to solve all conflict, perhaps they should start handing it out in the middle east??

Sorry I didn't get your comment at 110 until now I'm on my iPhone and it keeps crashing, damn you Steve Jobs! I think I just didn't like how I thought you were suggesting it was a childs opinion and that it stunk like an arsehole, maybe I took it the wrong way I'm sorry if I did.

MissFukMyLuck 0

haha most deffinetly bro! keep in mind the good karma and good people you met in this twisted world and you'll lead a happy life too :). free soup for all!!!!

Wait, dog shit? I didn't even know you could be a malboro fanboy... Nice job man, an excellent show of class. Please don't breed

Dammit! sorry guys I ****** up my reply is number 27!

sammigirl148 0

nooo !! reaally ?? i just thought he was absolutely lovely !