
By jaimie - 19/03/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, we were going to Disney World all the way from North Carolina. After 12 hours of driving, my kids started fighting and complaining. My husband finally said, "If I hear you guys one more time we're turning around and going back home." They annoyed him once again, and we actually went home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 864
You deserved it 8 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milou_fml 6

that's some pretty badass parenting right there

he'll yeah, that's the kind of parenting I wanna see, no sucking up to kids, those kids will remember that for the rest of their life


First off...... I live in NC and can say that it's NOT 12 hours to Disney. It's 7.5 hours from me and at best no more than 9-10 for anyone else in the Carolina's unless your husband drives like Miss Daisy. Second your an idiot for letting your abusive husband dictate the outcome of a FAMILY trip.

what the hell? How on earth was that abusive?!?

stephan2010 0

we went to Disneyland the same day! but i actually went for 2 days, both parks, with a disabled grandma who got to cut every line for us so we didn't wait at all, and we had so much fun. what a coincidence.

kittiekrispies 0

that's how you make sure they don't do it again

No it won't! The children had a warning before he actually turned the car around, but they continued anyway. The reason is that children CAN'T HELP but argue when they're in the one place for a long time. They were probably bored, tired, uncomfortable, irritable, over-excited, hungry, etc etc. it is unreasonable to expect children to behave in a car for such a long time. They will bicker no matter what - because they're children!

On one hand, if you make a threat of punishment to your kids you have to follow through for them to learn their lesson. On the other hand, he could have picked a more appropriate threat. :P

my2centsworth 15

I disagree with anyone who claims that one should expect poor behavior on an extended car trip. Several years ago, I drove from Tuscaloosa to St Louis in the middle of summer. The flatbed pick up truck had no air conditioning and no radio. I was accompanied by only my autistic nine-year-old son and my four-year-old daughter. They behaved themselves and caused no problems. The year before that, I rode with both of them on a bus from Tuscaloosa to Memphis. They made me proud on that trip, too. Then again, my husband and I have always demanded that they act appropriately and they know that their demeanor is a reflection on all of us.

yes, but for how long each day were they expected to sit in the car? Over 12 hours? We did lots of long days of driving as kids and our parents didn't take any crap, but we'd still argue and make a racket and whatnot. My parents would just smack us instead of threatening to turn around and go home (which, knowing our trips, could have been a four or five day drive!) Plus there were six of us (4 kids, 2 parents) crammed into the car. No, poor behaviour shouldn't be accepted. But it should be expected if you have kids under the age of 11 on a long car trip like that.

my2centsworth 15

I neither expect nor accept poor behavior.

Several thoughts spring to mind here... - your husband shouldn't have made a threat like that. Good on him for following through, but like #207 said, he should have picked a more appropriate threat. Like, you could have still gone on your holiday but just not gone to Disney World. - YDI for driving that far in one day with a car full of kids. How can you expect kids to sit still for that long?? My parents decided to stop doing the 16 hour drive between our place & our grandparents' place when I was 2 and my sister was a baby. We only started doing 10hour+ days again once we (all 4 kids) were over the age of 10. - ...then again, if your 'kids' are teenagers and still can't manage to sit still for a long car trip, then they deserve it :P but I still reckon your husband could have picked a better threat that wouldn't have backfired on the parents :P

I never understand it either. Whatever the age of the kids, did they not have things such as books, DVD Players/GameBoys/iPods to occupy their time in thew car?

notsoluckypup 12

I wouldn't let my ******' husband call it all like that. There are other ways of punishing kids -.-

Nakolover13 0

Its ok I go there almost every year and its not worth it. Unless youve never been then I guess you gotta go once.