
By jaimie - 19/03/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, we were going to Disney World all the way from North Carolina. After 12 hours of driving, my kids started fighting and complaining. My husband finally said, "If I hear you guys one more time we're turning around and going back home." They annoyed him once again, and we actually went home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 864
You deserved it 8 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milou_fml 6

that's some pretty badass parenting right there

he'll yeah, that's the kind of parenting I wanna see, no sucking up to kids, those kids will remember that for the rest of their life


coconutClaire 1

good for your husband. they'll listen next time won't they? Disney isn't going anywhere.

Yes, but all the money they spent to be able to make the trip is gone now. That alone is enough to make me think the husband should have come up with a better threat, because once the threat was made he kind of had to follow through.

fyl, that's horrible. they're kids, 12 hours in a car is bound to make them restless and grumpy. I'm 19 and even I can't stand being in a car that long. sorry op, but your husband's a jerk for that. I know kids are a pain in the ass when they act like that, but it was Disney World for christ's sakes! you don't rip a Disney trip from a kid like that...

it's just a little bickering ! that's all , I admit sticking to his word was good parenting! but cancel your Disney trip halfway there? that's harsh, parents need the vacation too! & hey, were they crying and being loud the 12 hours back? should've thought that one through ,huh?

RockstarRN 10

They are kids! Sh*t, after 12 hours, I'd be crying! you should of put your foot down. I take it he wears the pants...

he should have turned around, waited a while, then offered to go back If they promised to be quiet.

monnanon 13

This. go as far pack as the next rest stop/petrol station so they get a fright then get an apology and promise to behave out of them. Then Op's husband would have been best dad in the world and not the shitbag he seems to be from this fml

You deserve it, because it seems like you are part of a family in which everything is just like in the last century. couldn't you say anything against the decision ? who are you, his daughter? and why should someone be that upset if children are annoying after 12 hours in a car? just stop and take a break somewhere... I hate parents like this.

momma_jess20 0

oh wow **** that. i wouldve either let them slide or pulled over and slapped the shit out of them. fyl!

ideasrule 13

It's completely unsurprising that the kids would be fighting and complaining after a 12-hour road trip. Why didn't you stand up to your husband on behalf of your kids, and tell him this? Remember that it's important for the kids to think that you're looking out for their interests, instead of passively agreeing with your husband whether he's right or not. Second, why didn't you say "no, we're not going back after spending all this time, effort, and money"? YDI for not doing this!

I believe this punishment would be more appropriate for a much less costly trip, like to the kid's favorite restaurant if it's on the other side of town, or a trip to the beach if you live near one. But for a 12 hour trip to Disneyworld? **** that; Disneyworld costs too damn much to skip out on once you've paid for it. Tell them to sit down and shut up or their trip to Disneyworld will become their worst nightmare, and then make it as such with whatever method works best for you.

at least, now they know ur not joking around. good parental rul