
By jaimie - 19/03/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, we were going to Disney World all the way from North Carolina. After 12 hours of driving, my kids started fighting and complaining. My husband finally said, "If I hear you guys one more time we're turning around and going back home." They annoyed him once again, and we actually went home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 864
You deserved it 8 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milou_fml 6

that's some pretty badass parenting right there

he'll yeah, that's the kind of parenting I wanna see, no sucking up to kids, those kids will remember that for the rest of their life


jblovee02 0

ydi. maybe next time your kids won't be assholes.

good job for sticking to your word. next time your kids will believe you mean what you say!

itsme3623 6

That sucks, but props to your husband for following through. My parents make empty threats to my sisters all the time and then wonder why they still misbehave. Kids don't learn that way.

HunterAlpha1 8

i really respect your husband's consistency and strength of will to keep his word. while it may be inconvenient/annoying/wasteful now, it will definitely pay for itself many times over in the future, so long as he remains consistent. i really wish my mom had been that way. i might not have become as screwed up as i am now.

I like that the father did that. Sure it was a waste of money, gas, and time, and it does suck that you had to go home too, but he did warn them, didn't he? It's stupid to make threats and then not act on it. It's bad enough everyone was in the car for 12 hours, but he was the one driving. Did you at least try to help him out by keeping them quiet, or did you just sit there and let them continue screwing around?

coatie 0

Good job husband!!!! Teach your little brats

all the way from north carolina lol. We are Driving there from oklahoma this summer

eskimocallboy 0

#60 that isn't that bad iv drove too Orlando from wisconsin

my dad said the same thing when we went he took us halfway and my sisters started crying he had mercy so what was to be a 7 hour drive turned into a 13 hour commute