
By jaimie - 19/03/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, we were going to Disney World all the way from North Carolina. After 12 hours of driving, my kids started fighting and complaining. My husband finally said, "If I hear you guys one more time we're turning around and going back home." They annoyed him once again, and we actually went home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 864
You deserved it 8 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milou_fml 6

that's some pretty badass parenting right there

he'll yeah, that's the kind of parenting I wanna see, no sucking up to kids, those kids will remember that for the rest of their life


giggle5000 0

dude I live near there to and that's really bad parenting

that's good parenting, you shouldn't complain. your kids probably won't grow up to be useless assholes.

Frogg76 0

that would have been a very long drive

wow...really? hope he enjoyed wasting money on gas. kids can't be in a car for 12 hours without complaining...gez. loosen up.

Uh, OP? You're a parent too, right? Why did you not step in? Between kids acting up and a husband acting irrationally, I would have declared it time to stop for a rest so everyone could cool down a bit. A 12 hour ride is rough on everyone, especially kids.

gb_chrs 2

This isn't an fml, its a win. Dad is raising his kids right! Its not a waste of time considering the life lesson he taught the lids about consequences of their actions, how they can't get away with being rude.

umm disney world is in fl....how is that a 12 hour drive from sc?

wow,and you married this..... ?and even reproduced? FML OP

rubina 0

so why are you posting from florida?