
By jaimie - 19/03/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, we were going to Disney World all the way from North Carolina. After 12 hours of driving, my kids started fighting and complaining. My husband finally said, "If I hear you guys one more time we're turning around and going back home." They annoyed him once again, and we actually went home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 864
You deserved it 8 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milou_fml 6

that's some pretty badass parenting right there

he'll yeah, that's the kind of parenting I wanna see, no sucking up to kids, those kids will remember that for the rest of their life


Hard but fair.... No wait! That's just stupid.

Sounds like Love and Logic parenting. Good job. :)

see this is why u should never get married or have kids :D

That's so awesome. I want to shake that man's hand!

GOOD! I'm sick of these chicken shit parents who give in to their kids and positively reinforce bad behavior. Your husband is awesome, you could learn a thing or two from him. Extra points if they got their assed whipped when you guys arrived back to your house!!!

monnanon 13

Theres a middle ground between chicken shit and overreactive. Its called good parenting. The dad in this fml completely overreacted and punished everyone including himself. He should have stopped the car and let everyone get out to calm down. Who the hell doesn't get cranky and bored when in a car, especially for that long.

varkey 7

wtf you did nothing wrong, FYL and that's really dumb you should have convinced him to keep going what a waste of time

Great, parenting...I would like to shake your hand. Some people may say that went to far. Those people are the reason we have kids bringing guns and stuff to school.

monnanon 13

Its not good parenting its overreacting when tired and angry about having to drive so far. A punishment for the kids should not punish everyone else. A good parent would have stopped the car and let everyone out to calm down. A good parent would have understood that going home after a 12 hour journey to nowhere is a really really bad idea. Yes i believe in following through with threats and I do follow through with mine but these kids were excited about going to disneyland and bored from being in a car so long. They did not deserve the punishment. I hope the dad got a serious dressing down from OP for what he did.

No, we have kids bringing guns to school because other kids are complete and utter assholes. It's not a matter of discipline, because when there is no one around the kids will still treat each other like dirt, if that is what they want to do. They will just make sure they don't get caught. Eventually a kid will get tired enough of being picked on or beaten and will just snap. The fact that you would entirely attribute guns in school to bad parenting shows is a sign that you have little understanding of such situations.

ouch. I've made that trip from North East NC. Not fun.

You could've just got them a babysitter and left them at the hotel while you went to the parks without them. Still punishment, but cheaper.

I agree with you completely on that. as I was reading all the comments I was thinking that exact same thing. :)

that would be so freaking mean, I'd never talk to my parents again if I was the child .

MoroseMoose 47

It's not that easy to find a trustworthy babysitter away from home.

pikagirl222 1

im sick of the parents who think they can teach their kids things by taking away things from them or turning back on something. it just makes the kids angry and do the bad thing again! i should know, my parents are like that sometimes

Finally, a parent that follows through on punishments! I'm seeing a ton of comments on here that are saying it was too harsh a punishment, but I completely disagree. The kids will remember that forever and its not like he beat them for it.

hey_its_kristi 0

not all kids would keep doing the wrong thing. my dad did the same thing as op's husband... and now I listen to him because he taught me how to be a respectful human being.