
By jaimie - 19/03/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, we were going to Disney World all the way from North Carolina. After 12 hours of driving, my kids started fighting and complaining. My husband finally said, "If I hear you guys one more time we're turning around and going back home." They annoyed him once again, and we actually went home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 864
You deserved it 8 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milou_fml 6

that's some pretty badass parenting right there

he'll yeah, that's the kind of parenting I wanna see, no sucking up to kids, those kids will remember that for the rest of their life


My dad always threatens to do that when me and my brother fight, but he never goes through with it.

why does it take you guys so long? we drive from Washington DC, and it takes us 11.5h to get to orlando!!

joa76 3

Yeah, it took us 20 hours to get there from northern PA, with two coach buses (school trip) and quite a bit of stopping. Google does give you 12 hours if you start from the very top of NC, but that would be going the actual speed limit the entire way, and who does that?

That's what I'm saying. It only took us 15 hours to take a bus there in high school and I live in Maryland. North Carolina is way closer. Either OP drives really slow or she's exaggerating a lot about the time.

First the FML seems to make it pretty clear that the OP herself, was not driving. Second, it could be that it took them 12 hours because they got caught in some really bad traffic. It happens sometimes. I live about 45 minutes away from Chicago but some days the traffic is so bad it can take about 3 hours to make it into the city. I'm just saying slow driving or exaggeration are not the only possibilities.

addie19 6

they must live in BFE NC and not near the interstate. google from Duck, NC, to Orlando--that's 13 hours.

Yeah, 12 hours seems like a little too long from North Carolina. I guess maybe she's counting stops and stuff, but still.

TempestRain 0

Your husband is a jerk! Your poor Kiddos managed to last that long on a car trip without fighting and you let him punish them for getting fussy?! Y'all are terrible.

Congratulations, Dad, for actually following through with consequences. It may have been a bit drastic and you probably regretted saying it, but at least youstuck to your word. If more parents did that there's be less brats in the world.

I agree with 70 but damn, in a way its kind of ****** up. The dad just made himself feel stupid because he went back after 12 hours of driving, I would thought of something else... but then again he's the one driving so he's punishing himself.

Lubpynk 0

wow how dare kids act up on a 12 hour drive. I drove to Disney from Maryland and I was cranky along with my kids. fyl and your husbands a douche. Just go with you and your kids leave the cranky husband home alone.

NYBellz 0

slap him ... control your kids and husband women

Am I the only one who thought of the "THATS IT! BACK TO WINNIPEG!!" scene from the simpsons when I read this?? :/

Hahahaha some people are true to their word xD