
By Greenskies - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - France - Corneilla-del-vercol

Today, I was talking to my boss at the end of an awesome internship. He said he was really satisfied with my work, and that he had considered hiring me. Turns out he decided not to because I smile too much, and it freaks him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 994
You deserved it 2 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make sure you smile and keep eye contact as long as possible the last time you'll see him!

At least you have a positive attitude of it.


dman798 18

Smiling may not be the key to success

Damn, today has been a terrible for bosses.

I bet you have a beautiful smile. Don't get so down :)

i know the feeling. i used to smile as soon as someone would talk to me and it made alot of people uneasy. the lady's still loved me tho.

schreibergx93 19

Honestly, some people can't handle happiness. Sorry OP, but don't allow that to discourage or change your habits of proper work ethic and being a good person.

mds9986 24

Well now you know you can handle a real job and be a useful asset to a company. Just apply to new places. You're experience there will be invaluable in finding another position and it probably won't be that hard.

FalloutScrolls 25

I wouldn't trust someone if they appeared to be happy at work. I demand you look slightly miserable like the rest of us!