
By kalisa anteater - 09/06/2013 20:49 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I had to explain to my mother that a lace mini-dress with an obscene amount of cleavage was not appropriate to wear while meeting my boyfriend's parents. She called me an "annoying prude" and said that with my attitude, I don't deserve to have a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 336
You deserved it 4 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

michaelm1290 23

* cue a slew of MILF and Stacy's mom comments

Pull the parents aside and tell them she's been off her meds for a while and to not take her seriously.


rokolodo 10

To make a point to ur mom you should dress the same. See what she thinks? Not that u should dress like that at all but, maybe she'll see the point. Anyway, it's cool by me if ur mom dresses like that.

good for your mom. too bad she has a stuck up judgmental kid who cares more about what her BF's parents think than how her mom feels

DGED13 5

Yeah and too bad her mom is more concerned with hitting on people she shouldn't then with her child.

it didnt say anything about her hitting on anyone, much less someone she "shouldn't"

Shepardspie71 8

How do u know she isn't 400 pounds and looking to screw young guys

Let her do her thing and just try to ignore her, best you can do, really.

alycia3122 7

That's something my mom would tell me, she's a hag!

gators1995 30
hammerfall26 6

Can you send me a pic of your mom lol