
By Why son, why? - 20/03/2013 11:07 - United States

Today, for the sixth time in a row, I was driving my kid to school and he made me late for work. Why? He was whacking off instead of getting ready. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 734
You deserved it 6 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did he say when you called him? I'm coming?

Well you know what they say, getting up (and ready for school) is the second hardest thing in the morning.


upallnight11 19

That would be awkward, but if there isn't any choice. No, still no good idea.

But not all parents are as awesome as yours Noor. And if OP does let him, then this is when leather seats become a huge win.

#26, if the luxury of leather seats is unavailable, an empty can of Dr. Perky works just as well!

perdix 29

Back in my day, whacking off was part of getting ready for school, especially when I had that hot algebra teacher in first period. The monkey-spanking kinda took the edge off ;)

Hahah, that's healthy. Don't forget to teach him about Jill.

Lol. But wackin off is cheaper. U know what they say; Jack and Jill went up the hill both with $1.25 Jill came down with $2.50.

Do you not know about JILL?! Your left hand my friend! Your right hand sidekick!

33 don't forget-- "That ******* *****!" Love the Dice Man!(:

37- oh lol my mistake 78- lmao. I didn't write that thinking no one wud know it. Glad u added it.

Sounds like my dads girlfriends son. He takes 45 minute showers because it's "relaxing".

He might not be lying. I spend a long time in the shower but I don't wank in there, I just stand there daydreaming because the hot water's nice.

ApacheC424 18

Agreed with 32. A long shower is relaxing, and a great time to self-reflect, or daydream. Besides shower and a wank doesn't take 45 minutes.

Don't lie! You've done it once or twice.. Perhaps whilst having a cold beer... Or is that just me...

ApacheC424 18

38, it may just be you. But the idea isn't so bad........excuse me while I take a shower.

I do that too, 32. Sometimes, I even fall asleep in the shower.

Nothing like a showeer (shower beer) to brighten up your day! Cold beer+ hot shower= delicious!

He's 12, and at the point where he is first starting to enjoy his manhood.

Come on! Don't be so hard on him. Just wake him up three minutes earlier. :P

olpally 32

Is your son Chris griffin???? Lol.

skyeyez9 24

Wake the little bastard 30 mins earlier so he can fap and not make you late for work. Or make him walk.