
By Why son, why? - 20/03/2013 11:07 - United States

Today, for the sixth time in a row, I was driving my kid to school and he made me late for work. Why? He was whacking off instead of getting ready. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 745
You deserved it 6 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did he say when you called him? I'm coming?

Well you know what they say, getting up (and ready for school) is the second hardest thing in the morning.


I'm sorry to say, but your son has CMD. Compulsive Masturbatory Disorder.

Streetracer15 9

Make him walk if he is old enough to whack of then he is old enough to walk

Just set a specific time to leave the house and leave at that time whether he's in the car or not.

Really? You let this go on for SIX times in a row?? I would have put a stop to his ass after 2. Once, ok things happen. Twice, he's really pushing his luck and don't let it happen again. Three times, he would be grounded. YOU let it go on for SIX times, IN A ROW! YDI!

lexiepullen 7

Check on him every 15 to 30 minutes. Hopefully that would help him get rid of his desires for the morning.

Be a parent and talk to him about it. Threaten to use his behaviour to embarrass him, perhaps when his sister's friends are over.