
By Why son, why? - 20/03/2013 11:07 - United States

Today, for the sixth time in a row, I was driving my kid to school and he made me late for work. Why? He was whacking off instead of getting ready. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 734
You deserved it 6 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did he say when you called him? I'm coming?

Well you know what they say, getting up (and ready for school) is the second hardest thing in the morning.


Wake him up earlier and tell him to take care of his business ahead of time.

No need to stress; if he's old enough to whack off, he's old enough to walk or take the bus

He was whacking off in the car while you were giving him a ride to school? Or am I not understanding this one?

how do you know what hes been doing? lol

If he does this so consistently, you should just leave him and let him deal with the consequences of unexcused absences. He's not going to become more responsible if you always fix his mistakes for him.

He was getting ready. Nothing like busting a nut first thing in the a.m. to give you a better outlook for the day. Now he's nice and relaxed for that big math test!

If he's old enough to wank, he's old enough to get the damn bus.

consistently walk into his room to "Make sure he's getting ready". An embarrassing encounter or two and he should get the message.

The first time, it wasn't your fault. Maybe not the second time. But by the 6th time... definitely YDI. Time to step up and be a parent. You're supposed to be the adult. You're supposed to be in charge. Next time, when it's time to go, tell him you're leaving in, say, two minutes, whether he's ready or not. Then do it. If he has to walk to school, tough luck. Maybe he'll get ready faster.