
By Why son, why? - 20/03/2013 11:07 - United States

Today, for the sixth time in a row, I was driving my kid to school and he made me late for work. Why? He was whacking off instead of getting ready. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 745
You deserved it 6 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did he say when you called him? I'm coming?

Well you know what they say, getting up (and ready for school) is the second hardest thing in the morning.


Wizardo 33

Your mornings must be so hard, don't be flaccid about it teach the jerk a lesson and tell him to beat it and make him go on his own.

next time lend a hand or mouth and speed it up for him so he's not running late

That is truly disturbing and disgusting, and I hope you're ashamed of yourself for thinking it, let alone posting it.

Next time YOU should lend a hand or mouth! Urg creep

RaVeN53 7

Make his butt walk to school!

Clearly the only solution is to cut his hands off.

my2centsworth 15

So make him ride the bus. You're supposed to be in charge.

OP- I shudder to think about how you figured out what your kid was doing! But seriously, jacking off IS his way of preventing embarrassing pants-tent situations.... have some mercy on the poor, over-sexed, hormonally driven early morning obsessive chicken choking monkey slapping batter-beating prime pecker-wood nutter your little boy's become! Remember back to the days of your youth and wake him up 15 minutes early tomorrow morning so he'll spurt out the door with some spunky energy and squirt into the car on time! At least he'll have one soft well-lubed and un-chapped hand!

Slavgaard 16

Tell him to start ealier next time so you can get back on schedual !

witeshdw08 4

Every morning walk in his room naked, that would destroy anyone's desire to spank it. Well unless you are in back wood of Arkansas. :)

shouldn't this be in the 'kids' category?