
By bongoboy - 25/04/2009 07:51 - United States

Today, I was staying with my grandma. While in her bathroom, the floss I was using cut my gum which made me wince in slight pain. At the same time, my grandma was walking by in the corridor, so she stopped to say, "Don't wank in my bathroom you sicko!" Now my grandma thinks I'm a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 398
You deserved it 6 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LoveFifteen 0

Umm, since when does masturbating making you a pervert?

ZetsubouSensei 0

Haha, nice. But I say YDI for having sex-like pain noises, dude.


Did you open the door and show her your BLOODY MOUTH? That would have shut her up.

brodizzle 0

#5, perversion just means weirdness. Putting coffee beans in your cereal is perverted, for instance, but that'd be culinary perversion, not sexual perversion.

ScoobyDoo22 0

jcfdwigheusehgbuyhuyaghfuysdfgbsdfuhgbuyaevby i have MASSIVE DIARRHEA! CDFHNASIFHNASDUIISIFBHASDUIBGvnadfbnasdfuigbusdfgbsdfu

uhmmm, wow that actually really sucks, if she doesn't believe you, call her a pervert y'know, for thinking that's what you were doing in the bathroom ; )

elara15 0

I agree with #6. I've bled from flossing before, but had never hurt enough to make any sort of noise - let alone a sound that could be so easily misconstrued. When they accidentally scrape your gums at the dentist, and you whine, that's FYL. For now, YDI.

What do you mean "had to visit your grandma"? Jeeze, and how do you cut your gum with a peice of string?!

SilentGround 0

#29 - she probably meant she literally had to visit her grandma. and because that string is extremely strong, that's how. and wow, this is unfortunate.

bongoboy 0

Umm, yeah dude you said 'she' I'm a 'HE'. That is why I'm bongoboy. Just a slight correction, thank you.

YDI for flossing. @#23 Now I want to try coffee bean cereal.