We meet again

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter brought her new boyfriend over for dinner. I realize now why she said we would get along great… we graduated high school together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 746
You deserved it 3 766


RedPillSucks 31

But you can beat it with a stick.

That's scary... what would be worse though is if OP and OP's ex classmate/daughter's boyfriend went to the same high school as OP's Daughter... assuming OP grew up in home town or city.

OMG!that's just discasting but at least you saw eatcather again.

RedPillSucks 31

WTF? Please tell me this is not the Australian spelling.

#149 Nope or else I've been doing it wrong lol.

hateevryone 14

how old is she? how old is he?

monnanon 13

But the fact that that would make OP 15 when he had said daughter is not weird at all?

Lol awkward. What a creeper. As long as she's 18 it's not illegal! And at least she's not hiding it if he's over for dinner