We need a break

By pst - 21/11/2010 01:06 - South Africa

Today, the hooker I have been seeing regularly for almost a year texted me to say she thinks we should no longer see each other again. I just got dumped by a hooker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 690
You deserved it 59 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is probably the saddest thing I've ever read.

A hooker? Did you honesty expect a Disney-styled happily ever ending?


why not get a girlfriend? the sex is free that way ;)

MisterW_fml 0

Pay for girlfriend, deserve sex? The hooker gets my vote.

lol wait what? "pay for girlfriend, deserve sex" I don't understand?

26 - Are a Vietnam war hooker or something? Your statement makes no sense.

what? girlfriend sex is far from free. your taking her out to eat, buying her shit, etc. If your having sex with a woman your most likely paying for it in some way.

free sex from a girlfriend. Are you kidding? girlfriends are WAY more expensive than hookers!

lol okay so HAVING a girlfriend costs money. but like technically, the sex specifically is free, like you don't finish and go "here you go" and hand her a few hundred bucks haha 67- that's some cheaps hookers haha

Everyone's willing to trade sex for something, ie., a drink, a relationship, or money. Is the time and type of payment really what defines one to be a prostitute?

WallyTheWombat 0

Also some people use hookers just for sex. You don't have to call them or cuddle after. No driving them home or giving them cab fare. You can't do that with a GF and expect to keep her for long. If you travel a lot for business then it wouldn't really be fair to your wife/GF and we all have urges. So a hooker is a nice alternative if you aren't afraid of maybe getting robbed or catching something. Also, in places where prostitution is legal, the hookers are regularly tested for diseases.. at least they are supposed to be. Getting a GF isn't always the best option. OP said that it's one that he sees regularly so we can rule out travel, but my other points may apply in this situation. Either way, OP needs to find a new bank to make deposits in.

MuchDance90s 0

except that you are screwing with the knowledge, or at least the suspicion that, she only wants to be with you because of $$$ granted, same could be said for a gf, if you have a crappy gf, but one wouldn't *choose* a gf like that, so why a hooker? just because she's cheaper? have some respect for, and confidence in, yourself...

Unless shes over weight and insecure then the sex is free

You have never had a girlfriend have you? Sex with a hooker is way cheaper

EvilDave 13

All men pay for sex. It is just a question of when and how.

mexipunker 0

ydi. u should go to a clinic to check for stds and hiv.

As well as mental illnesses that may explain regularly paying a hooker for sex.

sex should always be free. ydi for paying.

Sex is never free. You're just paying in other ways.

MuchDance90s 0

I'm loling at all the dudes bitching about the cost of sex if you have to pay for sex in any manner whether it's a hooker or buying a chick dinner.......... you're not doing it right

Maybe she fell for you and she got herpes from someone else and didn't want you to catch it! Or you fail at life.

Howljerk 0