
By dammitvasquez - 12/05/2011 23:34 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came home from a camping trip and broke up with me. All because when he was watching the lake he was near, ripples formed. Apparently, this means God was telling him I'm impure and unable to be "saved by Christ" and therefore, a waste of his time. I dated this lunatic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 318
You deserved it 8 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

paramedicgirl87 4

Well look on the bright side. You're no longer dating a lunatic.

WompWompWomp123 7

Looks like Jesus saved YOU from that lunatic.


actually, with the fishing rate increasing, there is not plenty of fish in the sea. and soon you will be in the sea from global warming

you're so rude, just because he's religious means that he's a lunatic

really? you think it's normal to break up with someone bc there were ripples in a pond? that's really an act of god intervening? hmm...

He probably got some help with that interpretation from a second lunatic who obviously didn't like the two of you together. Oh well, on with life...

Badshah29 6

true, u shudnt add things 2 religion

Was he always religous or did he make that up for a reason to break up?

lmfao see Jesus says he didn't do that so the guy must be crazy

rusrsbrah 0

he was simply using that as a metaphor probably. he may like you, but understands that you two have two completely different backgrounds and you'll never agree on it. it's probably better that he did that saving you two from huge fights in the future. that's just my opinion.

sounds like your life suddenly got a lot less crazy. and no, I am not saying religious people are crazy. just that guy. if ripples on a pond make you think Jesus is talking to you and telling you to abandon someone - you are crazy. Jesus never said "abandon people". I know this and I am not "religious" (never go to church).

what's sad is I could see my husband doing that too...